Emergency Contraception

Plan B (morning-after pill)

How effective is it?

About 60%.

If 100 people have unprotected sex once during their cycle, 5 would become pregnant. After taking Plan B (within 5 days of unprotected sex), 2 people would still become pregnant, instead of the 5 without taking Plan B.

How does it work?

It prevents or postpones ovulation.

Is it safe?

Yes. There is no harm to the people who take it, nor does it cause birth defects if it does not work if you are already pregnant.

How do I take it?

Take both pills as soon as possible. They must be taken within 5 days of the unprotected sex but it works best if taken as soon as possible. It is less effective if your BMI is over 30 (or approximate weight > 170 lbs).

What are the side effects?

You may get some nausea. Dimenhydrinate (Gravol) can be helpful for treating nausea. Your period may be irregular for a month afterwards.

And afterwards?

You are likely to ovulate soon after taking the Plan B so make sure to evaluate your contraceptive options.


Copper IUD

How effective is it?

Over 99%.

If 8000 people received emergency copper IUDs, 6 people (0.09%) become pregnant.

How does it work?

The IUD is inserted into the uterus within 7 days of unprotected intercourse. It interferes with sperm and egg activity and prevents fertilization and implantation.

Is it safe?

Yes. There is less than 0.1 % chance that a hole could be made in your uterus when the IUD is inserted (perforation). This heals within weeks. There is slightly increased risk of infection in the first few weeks.

How do I get it?

You can call Vancouver Island Women’s Clinic for an appointment. Make sure you say it is an Emergency IUD so you will be given an appointment within 5 days. A doctor will insert it into your uterus.

What are the side effects?

Most people feel a cramp when the IUD is inserted, but this is brief. Most people have light bleeding and cramps after insertion. Periods are heavier and longer for most individuals afterwards, but this typically improves after the first 3 months.

And afterwards?

If you want to leave the IUD in, you will have very effective contraception for the next 5 years. You can also have it removed after your next period.

