Nexplanon Contraceptive Implant


There is one contraceptive implant available in Canada. Nexplanon, made by Merck pharmaceuticals, was approved in Canada in May 2020.

The cost is $300 - 350 but it is fully covered for anyone who is registered with MSP.


What is a contraceptive implant?

It is a small rod inserted under the skin of your arm. It slowly releases a progestin hormone called etonogestrel.

How does it work?

The hormone prevents ovulation (when the egg is released from the ovary). This is the same way that birth control pills work. It is a single hormone, and safer than the pill. It works for 3 years at a time.



How well does the implant work compared to other contraceptives?

If 1000 people use it for one year, we expect 1 to get pregnant. It is similar to using a hormonal IUS (Mirena or Kyleena), a tubal ligation, or a vasectomy in effectiveness.

How do implants compare to the pill?

Most birth control pills (as well as the patches and rings) have a combination of estrogen and progesterone. Some people can’t use birth control that contains estrogen due to other medical conditions. The implant is similar to the progesterone-only pill in the amount of hormone (and therefore the associated side effects). However, the implant is more effective and much more convenient.

How do implants compare to IUDs?

Both IUDs and implants are long acting reversible contraceptives. They are the most effective option you can use. Copper IUDs have no hormone and periods tend to get heavier with more cramping. The hormonal IUDs have less hormone than the implant, so have fewer hormonal side effects. IUDs work by changing the lining of the uterus but do not change the natural hormone cycle or ovulation. Implants prevent ovulation. The implant is inserted into your arm under your skin while the IUD is inserted into your uterus through your vagina, which can be more uncomfortable for some patients.

What is it like to get an implant inserted?

The doctor will inject a small amount of local anesthetic (freezing) in your skin on the inside of your upper arm before inserting the rod. You will feel the freezing needle only. There may be some bruising after.

What is it like to get an implant removed?

The doctor will inject a small amount of local anesthetic (freezing) around the rod before making an incision to remove the device.




Oral Contraception Pill