How does it work?

The hormones in the Nuva Ring are slowly released and absorbed through the lining of the vagina (vaginal mucosa) into the bloodstream. The hormones prevent ovulation so that no egg is released from the ovaries. It thickens the cervical mucus making it harder for sperm to travel into the uterus, and thins the lining of the uterus to prevent a fertilized egg from implanting inside the uterus.

How do I start using it?

Insert one ring into the vagina using any position that is comfortable (e.g. squatting or lying down). Press the edges of the ring together and place one end into the opening of the vagina. Push the ring high into the vagina. There is no exact position that is crucial for placement of the ring. As long as you are comfortable, the ring is placed correctly. The hormones will be absorbed into the bloodstream regardless of where the ring is placed inside the vagina.

Leave the ring in place for 3 weeks (21 days). Do not remove for intercourse. After 21 days, remove the ring for 7 days. Hook your index finger over the edge of the ring and gently pull it out. Discard the ring in the foil package provided and throw into garbage. Do not flush down the toilet.

When does it start working?

If you start on the last day of your period, or on the day after an abortion, it will start working right away. If you start in between your periods, then it takes 7-10 days to be effective. Use condoms or abstain from sex until it is working.

Can I use tampons with a ring inserted?

Yes, you can. Usually you bleed only when the ring is removed, but if you have breakthrough bleeding, you can use a tampon.

Can I use the ring if I have yeast or a vaginal infection?

Yes, there is no infection that will get worse if a ring is left in place. There is no infection that is caused by the ring. You can use yeast treatment at the same time the ring is inside.

What if I am late putting in the next ring after a period?

That’s a concern. If you have had intercourse, you should seek emergency contraception (the morning after pill, or a copper IUD) and put a new Nuva Ring in right away. Don’t rely on the Nuva Ring for 7-10 days.

Can I use 2 rings back-to-back to skip my period?

Yes, but only use 2 rings back to back, for 3 weeks each. Using 3 or more rings continuously without a break is not recommended.

What are danger signs that something is wrong?

There is a small but serious risk of blood clotting with using the ring. If there is a clot forming, you may have pain in your calf or thigh, chest pain, severe headaches or vision problems. Seek help at the emergency department right away.

Many people like the ring for the following reasons

You don’t have to remember a pill each day

You can remove and insert it yourself, and it’s private

It regulates your period, so you know when you expect it

It can reduce the amount of bleeding and/or cramps

It is 92 - 99.7 % effective (depends on your perfect use)

It allows for more spontaneous sex as you are protected


There are some health benefits to being on the ring

It may help reduce acne, moodiness or other premenstrual symptoms that you have when you are not on hormonal contraception

It may reduce the risk of ovarian cysts

It is believed to reduce endometrial and ovarian cancer

It is reversible: once you stop, you can get pregnant

It will help you avoid pregnancy until you are ready

Some people don’t like the ring for the following reasons

You may not be comfortable touching your genital area

A few notice vaginal discomfort, with or without sex

It may cause spotting or irregular bleeding

It may cause hormonal side effects like breast tenderness, bloating, nausea or mood changes

It doesn’t protect against STIs


Some people should not use the ring

Individuals who are over 35 and smoke

Individuals who cannot take estrogen

Individuals who might be pregnant

Individuals who have undiagnosed vaginal bleeding

Individuals who have liver problems (e.g. hepatitis)

Individuals who have diabetes

Individuals who have migraines

Individuals who have had a stroke or heart attack

Individuals who have a risk of blood clots, or ever had one

Individuals who are breastfeeding (first 2 months)

If this happens, rinse it and re-insert. But, if it has been out for over 3 hours, and you have had sex, you will need emergency contraception (the morning after pill or a copper IUD) right away. Don’t rely on on the Nuva Ring for 7 days.


It can fall out!


Oral Contraception Pill

