Ortho Evra Patch


The Evra patch is a thin beige coloured square, similar to a large bandaid that is worn on the body to prevent pregnancy.

Each package contains 3 patches, and each patch is worn for one week and then discarded. The 4th week is a “patch-free” week and this is when you can expect to get your period.



How does it work?

The Evra patch contains both estrogen and progestin hormones like the birth control pill which are absorbed through the skin and enter the blood stream to prevent pregnancy. This prevents ovulation so that no egg is released from the ovaries. It also thickens the cervical mucus making it harder for sperm to travel into the uterus, and thins the lining of the uterus to prevent a fertilized egg from implanting inside the uterus.

How do I start using it?

Remove the patch from the foil package being careful not to accidentally remove the clear liner. Peel off half of the clear liner and avoid touching the sticky side. Position it on the site you have chosen and remove the other half of the clear liner. Place it on your buttocks, abdomen, upper torso or arm. Press firmly to the skin for 10 seconds, making sure the edges stick.

Do not place on irritated skin, skin with lotions or cosmetics, or your breasts. You should only wear one patch at a time and must remove the previous patch.

When removing, fold the patch in half and discard.

When does it start working?

If you start on the last day of your period, or on the day after an abortion, it will start working right away. If you start in between your periods, then it takes 7-10 days to be effective. Use condoms or abstain from sex until it is working.

What if I leave a patch on too long?

If you leave it on 1-2 days longer than you should, that’s OK. If you leave it on for over 9 days, then it will not offer reliable contraception. If you’ve had unprotected intercourse, you should take the morning-after pill or have a copper IUD inserted, and put on a new patch right away.

What if I am late putting on the patch after my period?

You cannot rely on the patch to be effective for 7-10 days. If you’ve had unprotected intercourse, you should take the morning-after pill or have a copper IUD inserted, and put on a new patch right away.

What if the patch falls off?

Try and re-apply it to your skin, or put a new one on. If it has been off for more than 24 hours, and you’ve have unprotected intercourse, you should take the morning-after pill or have a copper IUD inserted, and put on a new patch right away.

What are danger signs that something is wrong?

There is a small but serious increased risk of blood clots with using the patch. However, the risk is smaller than the increased risk of developing blood clots during pregnancy. If there is a clot forming, you may notice pain in your calf or thigh, chest pain, severe headaches or vision problems. Seek help at the emergency department right away.

Other Considerations


Many people like the patch for the following reasons

You don’t have to remember a pill each day. You only have to remember to change the patch once per week.

It regulates your period, so you know when to expect it.

It can reduce the amount of bleeding and / or cramps.

It is 92 - 99.7% effective (depends on your perfect use).

It allows for more spontaneous sex as you are protected.

Successfully switching from another method

If you are now on the birth control pill, take the first 21 pills as usual. Apply the patch on the first day of bleeding or the first day of the hormone free week. This will be your “patch change day”.

If you were on Depo-Provera, apply your new patch 2 days before the next shot of Depo-Provera is due. This will be your “patch change day”.

Some people should not use the patch

People who are over 35 and smoke

People over 198 pounds (90 kg)

People who cannot take estrogen

People who might be pregnant

People who have undiagnosed irregular vaginal bleeding

People who have liver problems (e.g. hepatitis)

People who have diabetes

People who have migraines

People who have had a stroke or heart attack

People who have a risk of blood clots, or ever had one

People who are breastfeeding (first 6 months)

People who have had breast cancer


There are some health benefits to being on the patch

It may help reduce acne, moodiness or other PMS symptoms that you have when you are not on hormones

It may reduce the risk of ovarian cysts

It is believed to reduce endometrial and ovarian cancer

It is easily reversible - once you stop, you can get pregnant

It will help you avoid pregnancy until you are ready

Some people don’t like the patch for the following reasons

Your skin may be irritated at the patch site

The patch may fray or come off

It may cause spotting or irregular bleeding

It may cause hormonal side effects like breast tenderness, bloating, nausea or mood changes

It doesn’t protect against STIs



